Monday, January 21, 2008

Filtration for the Pond

It has been a long time that I’ve not post anything in my blog assignment. Today when I was cleaning my pond filter, I thought to myself why don’t I write about the filter system of my pond. Cleaning the filter system is not an easy job to do. The system consist firstly the filter itself, secondly the water pump and lastly Ultraviolet (UV) filter.

The Filter

I have a very simple filter system. It consists of four compartments (each is 1 ½ feet x 1 foot x 1 foot depth) as follows:

i. The water inlet compartment, where the water from the pond will be pump into the filter system.

ii. The second compartment, I install four type of aquarium filter wool (that can be purchase from the local aquarium shop) which will be lay from the fine wool filter, follow by two the medium wool filter and lastly the rough wool filter. The fine wool filter have to change very two or three days, the medium wool filter can last about one week. There are two types of wool filter the washable or non-washable. The washable can wash and reuse but the non-washable just throw it away after use. The rough wool which is imported can be wash and reuse for a few years.

iii. The third compartment I put coral and the last compartment before the water out-let back into the pond I put the charcoal filter for the odour.

The Water Pump

I’m using the magnetic-drive pump. You can also use the submersible pump but with this type of pump if the pump seal rupture it will send its oil coolant into the water (that can endanger your fish).

It is recommended that the water in the pond be turned between ¾ to 1 times per hour, so before purchasing the pump you have to calculate your pond water capacity and also read the pump specification. My pump capacity is enough to turn the pond water around 1 time per hour.

The UV Filter

UV filters needs to be install so that it can prevent the pond becomes very greenish. This is due from the algae. It is recommended to have the UV filter so it can eliminate green water and other harmful bacteria. My UV filter capacity is the 8 watts UV Sterilizer.

Thinking to change the filter system

A few weeks ago I went to pet shop located at some way at the Curve in Damansara. Here I was introduced to the Backwash-Cleaning System, this type of system I did not found at my usual aquarium retail shop. The sales woman gives me some explanation and suggestion about my pond. At home I did some reading about the product from the internet.

The Backwash-Cleaning System is all-in-one filters provide mechanical, biological and UV sterilization and are designed to work in tandem with a solid handling pump. They also feature a revolutionary system that easily cleans the entire surface of the foam filters without opening the filter. Backwash cleaning can be done easily and comfortably in a few minutes without opening the lid. This feature ensures that the filters perform at optimal levels for many days and prolongs the time between full maintenance sessions. An easy-view cleaning indicator signals when it’s time to perform backwash cleaning. This would make my job easier to clean the filter system.

But if I should change to this system, I have to purchase a new pump to cater the system. After doing some reading about the pump, I noticed that now my pump is 270 watts but the new pump that I need for the backwash system is 55 watts (with the same capacity flow of water), so although it is costly but it can save my electricity bill. Till now I’m still saving to buy this type of system (it is a bit costly) and pump for my fish pond where I enjoy seeing and playing with my pet fish.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Koi Sexes

Today, on my way back from Port Dickson, I was thinking about My First Blog. Need to go to Port Dickson because my son (age 8 years old) wanted to play and swim at the beach, so our family went for a picnic. Port Dickson is situated in Negeri Sembilan (one of the state in Malaysia) and facing the Straits of Malacca.

My First Blog is created for my Blog Assignment from the Management Information Systems class (where I am pursuing my Master from University Utara Malaysia, one of the leading universities in Malaysia). After creating the blog, then came the challenge what am I going to write in the post. After a few days, I think I would share about one of my hobbies that are keeping my koi.

Koi fish is quite expensive here, so I keep the cheaper version (the local breed koi). It started ten years ago, where I have 6 feet by 3 feet tank. I can still remember during those days where some of the fishes will get stolen and a few die during the haze spell which occurred a few years back.

Now, I’m bit careful after the entire incident. When my last three koi (started from seven) grew about two feet, the tank was not enough room for it’s to swim. Therefore I build ten feet by three feet with three feet depth pond and also with shade (you can see at My Fish photo slideshow). After the pond has completed, I bought ten two and half inches koi, which now have grow one foot.

I enjoy seeing its swim in the pond. It’s not easy to know the koi sexes, here are some clues.

How to tell the difference between male and female Koi.

Many people wonder if their Kerry is a Kelly or if their Lola is a Larry because they are unable to tell if their Koi is a male or if it is a female. There are a couple subtle differences which will be explained. These are general facts that have been figured out over the years. Study your Koi greatly before you determine it to be a he or a she, many Koi have be mistaken for the opposite sex over the years!

The Fins

They are a Koi's means for propulsion. Female and Male Koi have different looking fins. Female fins tend to be larger, but will have less color. Female fins will have a rounded edge and will be opaque.

Male fins will have a pointy edge and will have a solid color look to them.

Body Conformation

Male and female Koi have different body conformations. Male Koi will be long and skinny, like a cigar, female Koi will look more like a blimp. Female Koi get wider than male Koi because they carry tons of eggs. Many Koi collectors make it a point to only have female Koi in their ponds, since the large and wide body displays patterns much better. That is why most of the award winning Koi at shows are female.

Female Koi grow larger than male Koi.

This is the reason why:

When the Japanese breed Koi, they pair a group of males to one female. They do this to get a wide variety of genetics, boosted immunities, and a nice selection of colors/patterns. Now, if you are going to breed one female with a bunch of large males, she is going to get pretty beaten up. This is not good, since a nice breeding female can cost more than a decent house. In order to prevent the female breeders from getting beaten up, they pair a large female with a bunch of smaller males. Since the process is repeated every generation, the males will always be smaller than the females.

Telling the Difference:

It is much easier to tell the differences between sexes when Koi get larger and older. When they reach sexual maturity, at around 2 years of age and around 12" of length, the females will fill up with eggs. This will give them the blimp look. When Koi are larger, it is easier to tell if their fins are pointed or rounded and if they are clear or opaque.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Koi Fish

Japanese koi fish has become an amazingly popular hobby over the last several decades, and rightly so.

Keeping koi fish is not only very enjoyable, but it is also a responsibility, as you have to keep an entire marine ecosystem, of which the koi is the pinnacle, healthy and vibrant.

This requires good knowledge as well as an adequate budget.

But the learning, as well as the admiration of these fish, is actually as fun a part of koi fish care, juts as much as watching your koi develop over the years before your eyes.

But it’s a good idea, especially for beginners, to do some learning first before setting up your first koi pond of course, as koi require an investment in time and learning.

Japanese koi have been popular because of these reasons:

1. They're very beautiful, as well as a sturdy with an ability to survive even in freezing conditions.

2. They're suited to large ponds and can grow to over 1-2 feet in length, and this provides the rare pleasure to watch fish swim and prosper in large outdoor or indoor ponds in a more natural environment.

3. You’ll eventually be able to hand feed your koi when they gain your confidence, and this is a way that we humans really start to bond with our koi, and vice versa.

4. Some koi are worth thousands of dollars, and are a thriving industry for koi breeders.

5. They are believed to bring good fung shui, or luck, in Chinese culture.

There are various Japanese koi fish types and varieties available, and they’re classified by the Japanese, according to mainly their color characteristics.

It’s a good idea to view a few koi fish auctions online to get to know the koi species better and to decide if there are certain varieties that you’re more interested in.

If you’re new to koi care, get to know a quality local supplier or importer of Japanese koi, if there is one, and to find out more about the kind of stock that are available locally.

Looking at building a new koi fish pond in your garden? You'll need to know what factors to consider in terms of pond design, pond size and depth, pond construction before deciding to build your own koi fish pond or to have one built for you.

Probably the most important part of keeping koi, as well as getting the best quality stock that you can afford, is understanding and properly using important koi pond supplies. These supplies for your koi fish pond can be found locally or online, and your requirements will differ according to whether you’re setting up a new pond or maintaining, or improving your existing one.

Sometimes, getting your pond supplies online, if you know what you’re looking for, will mean that a much larger range of koi supplies becomes available to you, irrespective of where you live.

So here’s to happy koi and beautiful koi fish ponds, and to our great care of these most admired creatures